Pipe manufacturer to create 44 jobs in Fair Bluff

By: The News Reporter
The town of Fair Bluff is getting an economic boost as Gov. 罗伊库珀周四宣布,总部位于德克萨斯州的聚乙烯管道制造商管道塑料将花费4美元.6 million in a production center that will employ 44 workers. The plant will be located in the former Ply Gem plant on U.S. 76. 

Pipeline Plastics will spend $4.6 million in a production center that will employ 44 workers. The plant will be located in the former Ply Gem plant on U.S. 76. 

Pipeline Plastics will spend $4.6 million in a production center that will employ 44 workers. The plant will be located in the former Ply Gem plant on U.S. 76. 

“我认为这表明哥伦布县是一个绝佳的目的地”,对于那些向美国东南部分销制造产品的公司来说.S. and globally, said Joe Melvin, marketing director of North Carolina’s Southeast, 一个区域经济发展营销组织,帮助吸引了管道塑料公司. 

“To get a company into that vacant facility in Fair Bluff, 哪个国家遭受了飓风和经济停滞的重创, 我认为这将是给社区注入一剂强心针,” said Steve Yost, president of North Carolina’s Southeast. 

The Ply Gem plant has been closed since 2019, 当时其母公司Cornerstone Building Brands宣布将把生产迁出该州.

管道塑料公司的运营“将为该社区带来一些好工作, bring people in who will buy gas, 吃点东西,从工资中赚点现金流入镇上,哥伦布县经济发展主任加里·拉尼尔说. 

Expansion plans 

Along with the 44 jobs announced Thursday, 拉尼尔说,一旦公司安装了额外的挤出生产线,管道塑料公司可能会雇佣更多的工人. 库珀说,一旦新的工作岗位到位,该地区将受益于“近1亿美元的经济增长”.每年都会对社区产生600万的影响.

“北卡罗来纳州作为制造业中心的吸引力继续吸引着来自许多不同行业的公司,” Cooper said. “Our focus on building a well-trained workforce, 再加上北卡罗来纳出色的交通网络和东海岸的市场准入, 为管道塑料这样的公司提供了成功的关键因素.”

管道塑料公司生产的高性能聚乙烯管材可用于多种用途, according to its website, “including drinking water, irrigation, mining, industrial, sewer and oil and gas gathering and distribution.”

“We are excited to bring our culture, reputation, and methodology as one of the safest, most sustainable and most efficient companies in the industry,” said Mike Leathers, 管道塑料公司总裁兼首席运营官. “该设施不仅将为该地区创造合乐888在线登录注册机会和合乐888在线登录注册机会,还将对当地经济产生重大影响, from jobs to suppliers and transportation.”

Railroad was a draw

拉尼尔说,工厂的装修工作将于本周开始. 他说,原材料将通过R.J. Corman Railroad Company and CSX Transportation, and the center will create pipes up to 65 inches wide.

“我们很高兴能成为北卡罗来纳州东南地区的合作伙伴, 合乐888手机客户端下载和管道塑料,” said Todd Bivins, spokesperson for R.J. Corman. “When R. J. Corman restored railroad operations in the region in 2016, 我们承诺提供卓越的铁路服务,作为有竞争力的货运解决方案. 看到这种承诺如何成为促进经济增长的一个因素是值得的, particularly for this community today.”



梅尔文说:“价值主张非常强烈,他们在两周内就来了。. 他解释说,前Ply Gem工厂满足管道塑料公司非常具体的建筑要求.

合乐888手机客户端下载(Columbus County Economic Development Commission)和费尔布拉夫镇(Fair Bluff)共同制定了一个激励项目,对一栋建筑进行改造以满足他们的需求,” Melvin said. 

该项目将获得一个北卡罗莱纳基金的绩效赠款,价值125美元,000, plus technical assistance from Duke Energy, 拉尼尔说,一项建筑再利用和修复拨款正在进行中,以抵消对设施的一些改进. 拉尼尔估计,抬升成本最终将超过90万美元. 此外,东南社区学院将提供劳动力培训,梅尔文说.

“OneNC基金向地方政府提供财政援助,帮助吸引经济投资和创造合乐888在线登录注册机会. 企业不会预先获得资金,必须达到创造合乐888在线登录注册和资本投资的目标,才有资格获得资金,” the Cooper announcement said.

Two announcements in a week

管道塑料的消息是在合同木材经济发展公告之后发布的, 该公司开设了一家新工厂,不久将在R.J. Corman Railroad on Georgia Pacific Road.

“随着疫情缓解和经济复苏,我们希望能发布几项强有力的声明, 因此,很高兴看到一周内第二份新工作的发布,” said Les High, 他是哥伦布县合乐888在线登录注册基金会主席,也是《合乐888手机客户端下载》的发行人. “Ply Gem工厂是一家管道制造公司的天然选择, and our team put together a strong proposal. 像合同木材一样,[管道塑料]将是R的大量用户.J. Corman Railroad, which is another win. It’s an even greater bonus that this will help Fair Bluff.”


“This type of company [is] wanting to be deeper in the market, where there is higher, stronger economic growth or projected growth,” Yost said. “这是我们的使命,在全国和全球范围内推广这个地区.” 

拉尼尔说,他知道许多曾经在Ply Gem工厂工作的人有兴趣再次在那里工作. 拉尼尔说,这些以前的工人现在开车去其他地方工作,单程要45分钟以上.
